Issue Specific ProgramVaccine Hesitancy

Unlock the Underlying Reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy to Deliver More Effective Vaccination Programs and Care Plans

Using Silver Fern’s clinically proven techniques, this first-of-its-kind COVID-Vaccine Hesitancy assessment module systematically and efficiently unlocks the complex underlying attitudes, beliefs, and barriers that can create hesitancy among individuals and populations and then delivers targeted suggested actions and strategies for follow-up care.

Recent national polls show that 20% of Americans say they are “not likely” to get a COVID vaccine.^ Let us help you uncover the reasons why!

Evaluating 20 of the most common reasons for COVID-vaccine hesitancy, Silver Fern helps you quickly, easily, and inexpensively unlock this information among your employees, members, or patients. You will receive real-time assessment results and flagging data at the individual user and population levels so that you can implement targeted information campaigns and deploy resources more effectively.


Preventable COVID-19 Hospitalizations

among unvaccinated adults costs an estimated $5.7 billion from June through August.*

Use Cases

Send the assessment module to individuals and receive individual reports and followup- care recommendations as part of a complete care management approach.
Deploy the module simultaneously to a group as part of low-cost text message or email survey to collect population data and deliver targeted resources and information.

All of Silver Fern’s assessment modules meet Medicaid readability guidelines.
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